If you thought biblical belief in the Body of Messiah today was slowly declining, you’d be mistaken—it’s nearly extinct, and it’s happening fast. In this episode, Kevin looks at recent research that exposes the almost non-existent biblical worldview in America, and then offers a way forward for the faithful few who remain.

The “church” of God—Yeshua’s “Called-Forth”—was never meant to be based on form or structure, but on us: the people. In the Scriptures, we’ve been given a biblical pattern that reveals how we are supposed to work and function together as the Body of Messiah, and it looks nothing like “church” (or “Messianic synagogue”) as usual. In this episode, Kevin wraps up his 7-part series about biblical “church” with a candid word of exhortation, and a vivid sketch of what our gatherings and communities could look like… if we actually followed the Scriptures.

Communion is one of the main sacramental rites of Christianity, holding a deeply personal, spiritual significance for millions of believers worldwide for generations. But is the ordinance of communion (or the eucharist) actually in the Bible? Did Jesus really institute a communion ceremony during His last supper? In this episode, Kevin challenges the traditions of Christianity’s communion, then explains what the biblical “Lord’s supper” actually is, according to the Scriptures.

Ask most believers about the purpose of church, and they’ll say it’s for praise, worship and the teaching of God’s word. But what if the Scriptures say no such thing? What if our ideas for why the church even exists has been completely and hopelessly wrong? In this episode, Kevin reveals the true, biblical purpose of “church”—what the Bible depicts for our believer’s gatherings, for our believing communities, and for all of us collectively as Yeshua’s united Body.

One of the most important books of the New Testament is, sadly, also one of the most overlooked: the book of James. Hidden all the way near the back in most Bible versions, James doesn’t tend to be a favorite. Maybe people just don’t find him inspirational enough. Maybe they don’t make it that far in their Bible reading. But when we overlook James, we undercut one of the most fundamental aspects of our faith. In this episode, Kevin champions the foundational nature of the book of Ya’aqov (James), and makes a case for how its fundamental teachings can transform your faith.

Most active Christians and Messianics make it a priority to attend at least one Saturday or Sunday worship service. But should that weekly meeting really be our goal? Does participating in a once-a-week worship service truly reflect the Bible’s example for when we should gather ourselves together? In this episode, Kevin looks at what the Scriptures say regarding when and how often believers are supposed to meet, then considers how this should reshape the way we think about the reason and frequency for gathering as the Body of Messiah.

When most people think of “church,” they envision a building, an assembly hall, or some other kind of physical structure. But what if what that church building not only isn’t “church,” but isn’t actually prescribed anywhere in the Bible? What if the biblical concept of church is far more simple and natural than that? In this episode, Kevin compares the idea of church buildings to where the biblical Body of Messiah actually met together, and then explores how the places where today’s believers gather can better reflect the values and patterns of Scripture.

In the previous episode, Kevin extensively examined the Scriptures to determine if Christians or Messianic Gentiles become part of Israel through Yeshua. In this follow-up teaching, Kevin covers additional material and answers objections based on related topics, including the “Israel of God” and “not all who are of Israel are Israel.”

Christians and Messianic Gentiles are, by faith, sons of God, sons of Abraham, heirs of the promise, grafted-in and much more—but does that make them part of Israel? Are they “spiritual Israel?” Do they expand or enlarge Israel? Are Gentile believers now Israel? In this episode, Kevin extensively examines the one new man of Ephesians 2, the olive tree of Romans 11 and other relevant passages to biblically clarify the Gentile believer’s connection to Israel, and to encourage them in who they truly and fully are in Messiah.

The true “church” is not the buildings, but the people. And yet, the living organism of Yeshua’s Body that is described in the Bible—of which we as believers are its members—has been replaced over time by complex organization and institutional structure. In this episode, Kevin takes us on a Scriptural survey that reveals the true functioning of the Body of Messiah, and exhorts us all to get back to the simple, organic, biblical structure of “church.”