Everything we do, see, hear and say has a context, and when we ignore or are unaware of it, nearly everything can be misconstrued. Just as context is crucial to understanding life, it’s also crucial for comprehending God’s word. In fact, it’s impossible to fully understand the Bible without it. Kevin explains the concept of context with hand-on examples from Scripture in this foundational teaching.

Can we prove that the God of the Bible actually exists? Is there something that we can touch or see or comprehend—the reality of which will prove the existence of God? In this powerful episode, Kevin offers what he believes is tangible, quantifiable, objectively observable evidence that the God of Israel is real.

Why do I exist? Where do I belong? What is the meaning of life? We usually ask such existential, philosophical questions in an effort to grasp our identity, purpose and self-worth. But the answer isn’t something we need to go in search of, because it’s already been found… in the Scriptures! In this episode, Kevin reveals what the Bible says is the meaning of life and explains what that entails for those who follow Messiah.

Is the Bible true? Is all of it true, or just some of it? Is the Bible actually the word of God, or of man? Is the Bible something we should pay attention to? Is it even worthy of our submission and obedience? Whether or not the Bible is true is at the heart of every question of biblical belief. In this episode, Kevin makes the case for the truth and perfection of the Bible—though maybe not in the way you might expect.

As a Jewish Messiah-follower, Kevin explores his two main reasons why he calls the Master “Yeshua,” rather than “Jesus.” This episode traces the Messiah’s name through Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English (visually illustrated in the video version), then explains the importance of preserving its meaning—and the impact it can have—both for believers in general, and specifically on Messianic Jewish identity.

In a post-truth, post-reality world, what’s the use in reading the Bible anymore—much less trying to have a correct understanding of God’s word? Do today’s sincere, Bible-believing followers of Yeshua (Jesus) really want to know what the Bible actually says? Kevin asks these difficult questions—and deals with their difficult answers—in this inaugural episode of the Biblically Correct Podcast.