In the previous episode, Kevin extensively examined the Scriptures to determine if Christians or Messianic Gentiles become part of Israel through Yeshua. In this follow-up teaching, Kevin covers additional material and answers objections based on related topics, including the “Israel of God” and “not all who are of Israel are Israel.”

Christians and Messianic Gentiles are, by faith, sons of God, sons of Abraham, heirs of the promise, grafted-in and much more—but does that make them part of Israel? Are they “spiritual Israel?” Do they expand or enlarge Israel? Are Gentile believers now Israel? In this episode, Kevin extensively examines the one new man of Ephesians 2, the olive tree of Romans 11 and other relevant passages to biblically clarify the Gentile believer’s connection to Israel, and to encourage them in who they truly and fully are in Messiah.

The true “church” is not the buildings, but the people. And yet, the living organism of Yeshua’s Body that is described in the Bible—of which we as believers are its members—has been replaced over time by complex organization and institutional structure. In this episode, Kevin takes us on a Scriptural survey that reveals the true functioning of the Body of Messiah, and exhorts us all to get back to the simple, organic, biblical structure of “church.”

What determines whether someone is Jewish? Is it strictly ethnic lineage, or is there something else? Is someone a Jew only if they have Jewish parents or grandparents? What if you have distant Jewish heritage? Can you gain or lose your identity as a Jew through conversion? Are Christians spiritual Jews? In this episode, Kevin addresses the confusion and wide range of questions about who the Bible considers to be a Jew, and the eternal importance of that answer.

Almost every believer in Yeshua (Jesus) knows that we are “the church”—the Body of Messiah. Yet in practice, barely any of us see ourselves this way outside the context of worship services and congregational buildings. In this episode, Kevin makes the biblical description of our identity as “the church” clearer and more prominent in our minds—so that we’ll never see “church” the same way ever again.

What does the Bible say about a pre-tribuation rapture, and what effect does the rapture have on the timing of the salvation of Israel? In this episode, Kevin explores the biblical teachings about the rapture, the great tribulation, the Day of the Lord, and where Messianic Jews fit in a biblical understanding of the sequence of end-time events and the return of Yeshua (Jesus).

In most people’s minds, “church” is a physical place, and “going to church” means traveling to that special congregational building, at a special time, in order to attend and participate in worship services. But is this really what the Scriptures say is the true nature of “church”? What if the way we typically think of “church” is actually completely wrong? In this introductory episode, Kevin begins to challenge the traditional meaning and understanding of what the Bible really says about “church.”

When believers in Yeshua first come in to a Messianic or Hebraic understanding of the faith, it can be an exciting and spiritually invigorating time. But as you begin to navigate this new, unfamiliar territory, it can also be confusing. Is this a Jewish faith? Is it Christian? Is it somewhere in the middle? And despite having moved on from one brand of religion, you end up just exchanging it for another one, mistaking it for a “true faith” in God. In this episode, Kevin addresses this blind spot that many believers have whenever they begin traveling a new spiritual path, and suggests a way to successfully reach God without religion.

In today’s divided, biblically confused Body of Messiah, it’s hard to know who truly shares the faith of the Scriptures. What, then, are the minimum beliefs that should allow basic fellowship with other believers, and identify each of us as having an essential, biblical faith? In this episode, Kevin explores the 6 non-negotiables that form the foundation of Scriptural relationships.

It has been an issue in modern Messianic Jewish congregations basically since the beginning: many Gentile congregants have felt like second-class citizens in part because they’ve heard the often-repeated refrain, “to the Jew first.” In this episode, Kevin looks at the Scriptures to determine if this possible doctrine of favoritism has any basis in Scripture, and, if so, whether it is compatible with the Bible’s call for unity between Jews and Gentiles.