Ep. 66 | Are You Being Messianic JEWISH or Messianic JUDAISM-ISH?

Why is traditional, Rabbinic Judaism so deeply embedded in the culture and expression of the typical Messianic Jewish synagogue service and community? Why have Messianics adopted Judaism in this way? Does it actually make us better disciples of Messiah? In what way does Judaism really support and reinforce the Jewishness of a Messianic Jew? In this episode, Kevin explains the vast difference between being Jewish and being "Judaismish," and expresses concern about the danger that relying on non-Messianic Judaism creates for the faithful keeping of Scripture.Read more

Ep. 65 | Go & Make Converts? Why Discipleship Is Dead

Yeshua gave us one main job: to make disciples. So why do so many Christians and Messiah-believers today look and act just like the world? Why don't they more closely resemble Yeshua? Why hasn't the generational passing down of doctrines and traditions been enough? In this episode, Kevin explains why the Body of Messiah has failed to make true disciples of Yeshua, and reveals what we need to start doing right now to fulfill and restore the great commission of discipleship.Read more

Ep. 64 | 5 Things Most Every Jewish Person Doesn’t Know

It might come as a surprise, but most Jewish people actually know very little about the Bible. Today's Jewish people have grown increasingly secular and humanistic, with no standard frame of reference where it comes to spiritual or religious topics. But despite the vast differences in beliefs among Jews, one thing you can almost always count on is that Jewish people are highly unlikely to know is the truth about the most important Jew who ever lived: Yeshua. In this episode, Kevin discusses five biblical facts that most every Jewish doesn't know—but needs to—in order to learn the truth about the true, Jewish Messiah.Read more

Ep. 63 | Not for Harm: How God Prunes the Body of Messiah

Could God be pruning the Body of Messiah? Would the Father ever separate believers from the vine of Yeshua? If so, why? Is the shrinking Body of Messiah evidence that God is at work? In this episode, Kevin digs into Yeshua's words about pruning and bearing fruit, and then offers an encouragement to today's struggling and shrinking Body of believers.Read more

Ep. 62 | Divorce & Remarriage: What the Bible Does (& Doesn’t) Say

God hates divorce, and the Bible has nothing even close to good to say about it. So why is no-fault divorce rampant in the Body of Messiah today? Why do believers allow their marriages to be torn apart by it? In this episode, Kevin lays out and explains what the Scriptures actually say about divorce and remarriage, then offers some biblically-based advice for believers who have been divorced, have been involved in remarriage, or are right now contemplating either one.Read more

Ep. 61 | Why I Say “Yeshua” Not “YAHSHUA”

Many Messianic believers, rather than call the Messiah "Jesus," call Him by His Hebrew name "Yeshua." But some Messianics instead call Him something different, such as "Yahshua" or "Yahushua," incorporating the Sacred Name of God, יהוה. Why do they pronounce it like this, and can we know definitively which way is correct? In this episode, Kevin digs into the Hebrew to show us the correct pronunciation of the Messiah's name. Which is it? "Yeshua" or "YAHSHUA"?Read more
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    Kevin Geoffrey

    Father, husband, and Jewish disciple of the Messiah Yeshua

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